Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Dog a Day Project

Was blindsided by a new idea earlier this week.

There's been so much press lately about artists committing to do a finished piece every day for a set amount of time. There's websites and blogs attributing to their productions, and it really is quite enviable that they are able to rise to the occasion every single day. I was awed, especially by one of my favs, Elin Pendleton, who recently completed an entire year of a painting each day.

Then I realized that I had the same sort of discipline all these "piece-a-day" artists had, too - it's just that I was chipping away at a larger canvas who's production could stretch over months.

But I often did little pieces to loosen up, or use up residual paint on my palette, or to experiment with color.

So why not commit to doing one of those every day?

Yeah, why not?

Think I might have had too much coffee, because I got all excited about the idea and real quick registered a new blog to highlight this project.

Call me a lemming, but here goes. Painting a dog a day.

It's been fun so far!

Kimberly Kelly Santini
distinctive pet portraits
& 4-legged paintings

founding member of the
Canine Art Guild
the gateway to canine art on the web


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